Sunday, December 18, 2005

Chronicles of Narnia

Forget Simba... Aslan RULES!

Together with my 9 yo, 4 yo and my son's 20 yo girlfriend I took in Chronicles of Narnia today.

Took it in... that's about what I did. I haven't inhaled a movie like this in a while.

It took me a few minutes to orient on the story, as I'm more familiar with The Magician's Nephew than The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. We have listened to the books on tape version so I do know the story, although unlike another (soon enough to be) 7 book series I don't know it *cold*.

I was pleased that the sound level wasn't overwhelming. I guess I'm really getting old, and dislike to be bombarded by sound. The bombing is quite startling enough without it blasting you with a wall of sound. With the train scene, I took a moment to whisper to the 9 yo about how the children were being sent to the country for safety. After that about all we exchanged were mostly looks of delight and one very dismayed crumpling face (from her) at *THAT* point, however a bit of judiciously applied motherly assurance, (Don't worry, he's in the other books) which was met with incredulity, (That's IMPOSSIBLE) took care of that part. Although more than one tear was shed by each of us then.

Over all a great film, one most definitely to be purchased and rewatched at length. We'll await the DVD with anticipation and unbridled impatience if I know my kids.

And Aslan? He's EVERYTHING one could ask for in a CGI lion *GRIN*. I particularly loved the way his mane was done. The cheetahs are great too. Not to mention the unicorn, Phillip, Tomas and the beavers... ah yes... the beavers. Oh and can't forget the fox, nor the wolves either. All yummy. All anyone who believes in anthropromorphism could desire in an animal or twelve. However, the siberian white tigers were on the wrong side, *harumph*.