Grief isn't something one gets through, like a stretch of muddy trail on a hike. It's more the hike itself. It's a journey that has highs and lows and long stretches of normal.
In 2006 a rescue dog came to live with us. Her name ended up being Girl as nothing else caught her attention. She was old and weary and we felt the least we could do was give her a safe home for the few remaining months it looked like she had.
A part of her story is here.
Another part, which wasn't mine to tell appeared on my son's facebook feed today. With his permission, here it is:
One - eyed teacher
If I were still in Stavely,
If you were still alive,
Now is when I'd close my eyes,
Curl my fingers into fur,
Fur which once came matted,
The last time I felt -
Genuinely, totally close -
Like my brother and I
Were actually siblings -
Not strangers held together
By tense, distant relationship.
I can still remember him,
Determined to clip away
The neglected fur,
Your patience rewarded,
With suitable collar, Proof that,
"In the morning"
Never came.
You feared thunder,
One - eyed educator,
Maybe a truck -
We never did know.
But I knew without a doubt,
You came for more
Than just a lesson.
You reminded me;
You are loved,
You are cared for,
You never cared,
What I admitted,
Secrets and fears
Too dark for diaries.
When we walked,
The abandoned streets,
Dark corners &
Wide, open prairies...
I bared my soul to you,
While you merely looked on.
You at one point,
Soothed tears brought on,
By hateful, cruel words -
Spit by peers whom
Really were old enough,
To not only know better,
But be better.
I still remember how grieved,
Bereaved and lost -
How late night walks returned,
To the fearful -
"Will I make it home?"
Lover holding me tight,
Sobbing - tears shamelessly spent
For you.
In a school which I swore would
Never have a drop of salt
Borne from my eyes,
A hatred of which i had fostered
So deep that it's a wonder,
I ever made friends there at all.
In the city now,
I have no fears of that.
Perhaps its the boisterous
Anonymity from being alone,
Or the fact that
Somewhere I know,
Over the rainbow bridge,
You wait for me -
Watching on,
Reminding me of
Your compassion -
For strangers & babes alike.
Now I wonder if your seizures
Were part of why I have made
Choices which i still question.
And i wonder, whether you agree
Or if part of you would bare teeth
And scold me like a kitten too rough.
Though I know,
That with your fears
With your cold paws,
And warm heart
That you understand.
You gifted me with much,
Your lessons and love -
Were all part of what I needed
Then and now.
---Niko Wilson 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Posted by
Reasonable Female
8/21/2015 06:28:00 PM
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